Become H3-Networker now!
By participating in the H3-network, you get acces to an inspiring community of like-minded people. Together we create an environment for sharing of knowledge, ideas and experiences. We stimulate each other to learn and grow, in order to florish both professionally and individually.
The benefits of being H3-Networker are among others...
- H3-Networkers profile themselves as multidisciplinary thinkers on women’s issues of head – heart- and hormones & stand up for women.
- Access to webinars and e-learnings based on your needs and wishes, with discount.
- Exchange of knowledge and experience about multidisciplinary H3 networking.
- As H3 Networkers, you will find each other for the purpose of working together to improve women's care (for which we ask permission in advance for inclusion on the H3 Network list)
Professional H3-Netwerker
Working together to improve integrated health care for women! Will you make the difference for...
€50a yearInterested H3-networkers
Working together to improve integrated health care for women! Will you make the difference for...
€25a yearExperience expert H3-Networker
Working together to improve integrated health care for women! Will you make the difference for...
€25a year